Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Tuesday Jul 14, 2020
Leaders who individualize are the ones who thrive. It's the way it has ALWAYS been. In crisis and adjusting to continued uncertainty, it is even more important -- and it's what the best are doing. This is the third episode in a five part series, called Lockdown Leadership and the 5 Themes that Shine Through...from the best of the best leaders. Today, in Episode 123, Murray Guest and I are unpacking the third Theme: Leadership Individualization and Flexibility. We define it, share some stories, pass on the best practices we've seen and even leave you with a couple ways to practice it in your own role as a leader.
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
ITV 122 | Lockdown Leadership: 5 Themes That Shine {Theme 2: Communication} {audio}
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
Thursday Jul 09, 2020
This is episode two of five in a timely new series called Lockdown Leadership and the 5 Themes that Shine Through--from the best of the best leaders. This series came about by us asking --- what are the best leaders doing right now? In this conversation with internationally renowned leader and facilitator, Murray Guest, on Episode 122, we talk about the importance of Communication -- now especially so. Leadership communication is not all coffee chats and laughter {though it needs that too}. Often it is hard work and takes courage. We define it, share some stories, pass on the best practices we've seen and even leave you with a couple ways to practice it in your own role as a leader.
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
Thursday Jul 02, 2020
We are kicking off a series today that will run for the month, called Lockdown Leadership and the 5 Themes that Shine Through from the best of the best leaders. This series came about by us asking --- what are the best leaders doing right now? Because even in the midst of it all, the best leaders are still thriving. In this series, I got to collaborate with the internationally known coach and consultant, Murray Guest. The first theme today in Episode 121 is a huge one, that surprised me a bit. It's all about leadership grace and kindness in tough times. We define it, share some stories, pass on the best practices we've seen and even leave you with a couple ways to practice it in your own role as a leader.
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
ITV 120 | Strengths in Crisis Closing Episode 4 Themes from 12 Stories {audio}
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Tuesday Jun 16, 2020
Today, you are hearing the closing episode in this series about Strengths in Crisis. We are tracing four themes, like a ribbon of humanity that has risen to the surface of all twelve stories. Why share these themes? To help all of us sear in our memory the impact of this world shift and the good that can result from the struggle when we share our stories and listen to each other.
Tuesday May 19, 2020
ITV 119 | Strengths in Crisis Series with Annie Elliott {audio}
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Tuesday May 19, 2020
Here's what we're learning in this Strengths in Crisis series. This season, while it continues to challenge us daily, also has the potential to bring about a pivot point in humanity that leaves us stronger than ever before. Especially as we choose to fixate on strength, instead of focusing on weakness. Today on Episode 119 you get to hear from one of Isogo's very own, Annie Elliott. Annie was in the middle of her SECOND year as a kindergarten teacher when the coronavirus shut down southern California. You will enjoy this chat with Annie and my hope is that you'll also appreciate those teachers in your life just a little bit more.
Friday May 15, 2020
ITV 118 | Strengths in Crisis with Anna Runyan {audio}
Friday May 15, 2020
Friday May 15, 2020
Anna Runyan, CEO of a Forbes top 35 most influential career site shares what life in quarantine has meant for her family and her business. As a leader, she shares the huge goal-setting pivot she lead with her team when the second quarter of this year was clearly NOT going to be what they expected, yet continued to propel their business to grow, even in the midst of crisis. And as a mom, she shares what she discovered she needed in order to pull out of the negativity and into a thriving mode again. You will learn from her tips, tricks and strengths as we dive into Episode 118 with Anna and Classy Career Girl.
Tuesday May 12, 2020
ITV 117 | Strengths in Crisis with Kimberley Wiedefeld {audio}
Tuesday May 12, 2020
Tuesday May 12, 2020
If you know anyone who is attending college or university right now, you know that their lives have been uprooted. What you might not see so visibly is that the college or university that supports them has been working around the clock --- to do everything it can to help them come out both educated and thriving on the other end of this semester. It is a crazy tough challenge -- a challenge that Kimberley Wiedefeld and the other members of the President's Cabinet at Roberts Wesleyan College are proving to be up for. Today, on Episode 117, she shares what those first few weeks were like under the immense pressure of uncertainty and navigating uncharted waters, all while working from a new home office whose french doors open to a family of young kids waiting for her to come out.
Friday May 08, 2020
ITV 116 | Strengths in Crisis with Patricia Beals {audio}
Friday May 08, 2020
Friday May 08, 2020
Our guest works day in and day out in an industry that is at the top of all of our minds right now. Healthcare. Dr. Patricia Beals serves kids and families in her work as the director of the Barrow Cleft and Craniofacial Center at Dignity Health in Phoenix, AZ. And as she shares today, life as a healthcare provider has been life-alteringly affected. Dr. Beals shares today about the strengths she typically calls upon and how those are not necessarily the ones she relied as heavily upon pre-crisis world -- yet they are exactly what her team and patients need to help make it through. Tune into Episode 116 to hear her story.
Tuesday May 05, 2020
ITV 115 | Strengths in Crisis with Melissa Jill {audio}
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Tuesday May 05, 2020
Melissa Jill is a beloved influencer and educator in the wedding photography world and just happens to be pivoting her career as the world flips upside down. She says that she doesn't consider herself thriving, but as you'll hear from her story in Episode 115 today, she is figuring out ways to leverage her strengths to overcome and make it through -- carrying a family and a business with her.
Friday May 01, 2020
ITV 114 | Strengths in Crisis with Murray Guest {audio}
Friday May 01, 2020
Friday May 01, 2020
Murray's life as a consultant and facilitator has been turned upside down, but the truth is, you wouldn't really know that. In Episode 114, in this Strengths in Crisis series, Murray opens up his life to us to share stories of connection in ways that otherwise wouldn't have happened, of the ways he's using his strengths to recalibrate his approach to work, and of promise for leaders who may just feel like this crisis is getting the best of them. Murray's leveled insight and wisdom come at a perfect time and you will be encouraged.