
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Thursday Feb 11, 2021
Your leadership matters. Your intentionality about this year -- envisioning all you want it to be -- will bring wisdom and awesomeness to it and to your TEAM. We have seen the best leaders do this. And since you're a leader who gives a damn, you can too. We'd love to be your virtual coaches and sit with you through your Success Map. Get your Success Map free PDF at leaderswhogiveadamn.com and tune in for 5 weeks to start your year off with a vision of success. Episode 5 of 5: The Invitation of Your WORD for the Year

Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Thursday Feb 04, 2021
Your leadership matters. Your intentionality about this year -- envisioning all you want it to be -- will bring wisdom and awesomeness to it and to your TEAM. We have seen the best leaders do this. And since you're a leader who gives a damn, you can too. We'd love to be your virtual coaches and sit with you through your Success Map. Get your Success Map free PDF at leaderswhogiveadamn.com and tune in for 5 weeks to start your year off with a vision of success. Episode 4 of 5: Taking Action

Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Thursday Jan 28, 2021
Your leadership matters. Your intentionality about this year -- envisioning all you want it to be -- will bring wisdom and awesomeness to it and to your TEAM. We have seen the best leaders do this. And since you're a leader who gives a damn, you can too. We'd love to be your virtual coaches and sit with you through your Success Map. Get your Success Map free PDF at leaderswhogiveadamn.com and tune in for 5 weeks to start your year off with a vision of success. Episode 3 of 5: Setting the Vision + Making Goals

Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Thursday Jan 21, 2021
Your leadership matters. Your intentionality about this year -- envisioning all you want it to be -- will bring wisdom and awesomeness to it and to your TEAM. We have seen the best leaders do this. And since you're a leader who gives a damn, you can too. We'd love to be your virtual coaches and sit with you through your Success Map. Get your Success Map free PDF at leaderswhogiveadamn.com and tune in for 5 weeks to start your year off with a vision of success. Episode 2 of 5: Reflecting on 2020 The Grief and Wisdom

Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Thursday Jan 14, 2021
Your leadership matters. Your intentionality about this year -- envisioning all you want it to be -- will bring wisdom and awesomeness to it and to your TEAM. We have seen the best leaders do this. And since you're a leader who gives a damn, you can too. We'd love to be your virtual coaches and sit with you through your Success Map. Get your Success Map free PDF at leaderswhogiveadamn.com and tune in for 5 weeks to start your year off with a vision of success. Episode 1 of 5: Growth Mindset

Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Thursday Oct 08, 2020
Even IF we thought we could silo our Professional selves and our Personal selves pre-covid19, now that our lives have been condensed into one personal-professional balancing act, our wellbeing as the Professional-Personal-You makes all the difference in how you feel and perform in life these days. In Episode 128 Kat Rippy interviews me to talk about what that interplay might look like and what we can do to keep our strengths and sanity at the forefront.

Thursday Sep 24, 2020
ITV 127 | Wellbeing in Crisis Using Your Strengths {Interview by Kat Rippy} {audio}
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Thursday Sep 24, 2020
Have you been completely wiped sometime over the past 5-6 months? I know I have. And my biggest energy boost comes by redirecting my strengths. From exercise to getting enough mental space, your strengths tell you what you need and how to get it. In Episode 127, you'll hear Kat Rippy, a seasoned CEO coach, interview me about the power of our strengths to impact our wellbeing. Remember to ask yourself, what is one way I can tweak my strengths to boost my wellbeing?

Thursday Sep 10, 2020
ITV 126 | Wellbeing in Crisis Using Your Strengths {3 Keys} {audio}
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
These days, as everyday uncertainty continues to persist, we are all carrying around an additional level of stress that wears on us. Can you feel it?? It's there. It's an extra weight and it's challenging our feelings of wellbeing on every level. Today, we get to jump into 3 part mini-series on Wellbeing together -- the strengths-perspective, and specifically the CliftonStrengths StrengthsFinder language, gives you a shortcut to a greater sense of wellbeing. Today in Episode 126, I'll share the three areas of wellbeing, some great stories of strengths-based wellbeing, and my own experience in what it looks like to try and fail and try again.

Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Thursday Jul 30, 2020
Wellbeing and self-care sometimes feel like elements that go beyond our control. Our schedules and the un-patterned "routines" that we've gotten into feel so overtaken. Yet, the best leaders are showing us that this is not the case. We can make choices and we can prioritize wellness. This EPISODE 125 marks the end of this 5 part series about Leadership in Lockdown. We at the Isogo team and Murray and his team hope that this series has been an encouragement to you as a leader and that you take the challenge to truly implement small changes in your habits so that you can truly be the inspiring leader you are meant to be.

Thursday Jul 23, 2020
ITV 124 | Lockdown Leadership: 5 Themes That Shine {Theme 4: Clarity} {audio}
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
Thursday Jul 23, 2020
As a leader, you have the power to bring great levels of hope and peace -- just by providing even BORING levels of clarity in your team. This is the fourth episode in a five part series, called Lockdown Leadership and the 5 Themes that Shine Through...from the best of the best leaders. Today, in Episode 124, Murray Guest and I are unpacking the fourth Theme: Clarity. We define it, share some stories, pass on the best practices we've seen and even leave you with a couple ways to practice it in your own role as a leader.